The initial release candidate for Redict’s first general release, 7.3.0-rc1, is
now available for download and testing. You can find the release on Codeberg:
Redict 7.3.0-rc1
Update: 7.3.0-rc2 is now available, with two minor changes from rc1:
Redict 7.3.0-rc2
**First time here?** Redict is an independent fork of Redis®* OSS 7.2.4 licensed
under the Lesser GNU General Public license (LGPL-3.0-only). Redict is not
affiliated with Redis®. See
[the announcement](/posts/2024-03-22-redict-is-an-independent-fork/)
for more details.
The intended audience for this release is those who can build Redict from source
and test it for compatibility with their existing Redis®* databases, as well
as provide feedback generally on the release. As such, users of this release
should be relatively sophisticated, expert-level users, rather than a general